Knowledge Builders Inc. has the following MWBE certifications:

  • New York State WBE
  • New York City WBE
  • The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey WBE

KBI Supplier Diversity Program

One of NYS Tech Valley’s leaders in temporary staffing, IT and Administrative services firm, Knowledge Builders Inc. recognizes the strategic benefits of a diverse supplier pool.  Specifically, KBI seeks to partner with certified small-businesses that are owned and controlled by eligible individuals.  These eligible groups, generally recognized by Federal, State and Local governments as well as leading businesses, are owned and controlled by US citizens or lawfully permanent residents, that have been socially or economically disadvantaged.  These groups include Black, Hispanic, Asian American, American Indian, Female, Disabled, and otherwise Disadvantaged individuals.

Supplier Diversity Policy

Diverse Suppliers will have an equal opportunity to provide temporary staff for open KBI staffing requirements.  Further they will be included with our strategic sourcing, procurement and competitive bidding initiatives.  Companies that look to do business with KBI must be capable of delivering, superior local candidates, at competitive rates, with the skills required by our clients.

Attributes of KBI’s Diverse Suppliers include;

  • Current certification with Federal, State, or Local governments, or by other third party private sector organizations.  i.e. NSMDC, WBENC, SBA, 8(a), and State and Local Certifications.
  • Commit to achieving certification that align with the industry or government entity to which they are providing service.
  • Internal capabilities and procedures to recruit, vet and deliver to KBI open requirements.
  • Provide mandated EEO reporting, compensation validation, and other contractual reporting/disclosures required by law.

KBI Commitments include;

  • Supporting and mentoring suppliers to achieve State, Federal and third-party certifications.
  • Access to KBI open opportunities via the KBI website or other reasonable means.
  • Training and Education of KBI associates to ensure they understand KBI’s diversity principles and commitments.
  • Attend Outreach Activities annually to actively solicit Diverse Suppliers

Get Certified with New York State

Empire State Development WMBE Certification

NYS Office of General Services SDVOB Certification

KBI Diversity Supplier Application

To apply, please send proof of your organizations certifications to:

Ed O’Brien, Chief Diversity Officer

(518) 250-4189 extension: 103